<Content> Component

A wrapper for long-form content, such as documentation, blog posts, whitepapers, etc.

Code Editor
content={<p>hello world <a href='#'>this is a link</a></p>}

Where it's used

Loading 0.x.x releases...
Loading 1.x.x releases...
Loading 2.x.x releases...
Loading 3.x.x releases...
Loading 4.x.x releases...
Loading 5.x.x releases...
Loading 6.x.x releases...
Loading 7.x.x releases...
Loading 8.x.x releases...

Kitchen Sink

Code Editor
Markdown Test Page
These few opening paragraphs are just meant to reflect more realistic
Certain Vault backends utilize plugins to extend their functionality
outside of what is available in the core Vault code. Often times these
backends will provide both builtin plugins and a mechanism for
executing external plugins.
Builtin plugins are shipped with Vault, often for commonly used
implementations, and require no additional operator intervention to
run. Builtin plugins are just like any other backend code inside
<a name="headings" className="__permalink-h" href="#headings">
Builtin plugins are shipped with Vault, often for commonly used
implementations, and require no additional operator intervention to
run. Builtin plugins are just like any other backend code inside
External plugins, on the other hand, are not shipped with the Vault
binary and must be registered to Vault by a privileged Vault user.
This section of the documentation will describe the architecture and
security of external plugins.
<a name="page-heading" className="__permalink-h" href="#page-heading">
Page Heading <code>with code</code>
The above heading should rarely if ever be used within page content,
it's just shown here as an example. Avoid using{' '}
<code># Page Level Headings</code> for top-level sections within
Markdown content and instead use <code>## Second Level Headings</code>
Certain Vault backends utilize plugins to extend their functionality
outside of what is available in the core Vault code. Often times these
backends will provide both builtin plugins and a mechanism for
executing external plugins.
Second Level Heading <code>with code</code>
External plugins, on the other hand, are not shipped with the Vault
binary and must be registered to Vault by a privileged Vault user.
This section of the documentation will describe the architecture and
security of external plugins.
Third Level Heading <code>with code</code>
Builtin plugins are shipped with Vault, often for commonly used
implementations, and require no additional operator intervention to
run. Builtin plugins are just like any other backend code inside
Fourth Level Heading <code>with code</code>
Certain Vault backends utilize plugins to extend their functionality
outside of what is available in the core Vault code. Often times these
backends will provide both builtin plugins and a mechanism for
executing external plugins.
Fifth Level Heading <code>with code</code>
External plugins, on the other hand, are not shipped with the Vault
binary and must be registered to Vault by a privileged Vault user.
This section of the documentation will describe the architecture and
security of external plugins.
Sixth Level Heading <code>with code</code>
External plugins, on the other hand, are not shipped with the Vault
binary and must be registered to Vault by a privileged Vault user.
This section of the documentation will describe the architecture and
security of external plugins.
Inline Text Styles
<a name="bold" className="__permalink-h" href="#bold">
External plugins, on the other hand, are <strong>not shipped</strong>{' '}
with the Vault binary and must be registered to Vault by a{' '}
<strong>privileged</strong> Vault user. This section of the
documentation will describe the architecture and security of external
<a name="italic" className="__permalink-h" href="#italic">
External plugins, on the other hand, are not shipped with the Vault
binary and <em>must be registered</em> to Vault by a{' '}
<em>privileged</em> Vault user. This section of the documentation will
describe the architecture and security of external plugins.
External plugins, on the other hand, are <del>not</del> shipped with
the Vault binary and must be registered to Vault by a{' '}
<del>privileged</del> Vault user. This section of the documentation
will describe the architecture and security of external plugins.
<a name="inline-code" className="__permalink-h" href="#inline-code">
Inline Code
External plugins, on the other hand, are not shipped with the{' '}
<code>vault</code> binary and must be registered to Vault by a
privileged Vault user with <code>vault write</code>. This section of
the documentation will describe the architecture and security of
external plugins. And{' '}
<a href="#">
<code>linked code has to work too!</code>
<a name="links" className="__permalink-h" href="#links">
There are multiple ways to define links, and we need to make sure
we're handling all of them correctly. All of the links in this section
should lead to <code>https://example.com</code>.
<a href="https://www.example.com">I'm an inline-style link</a>
<a href="https://www.example.com" title="Example Homepage">
I'm an inline-style link titled "Example Homepage"
URLs and URLs in angle brackets will automatically get turned into
<a href="http://www.example.com">http://www.example.com</a> or{' '}
<a href="http://www.example.com">http://www.example.com</a>, but not
Reference-Style Links
<a href="https://www.example.com">I'm a reference-style link</a>
<a href="https://www.example.com">
You can use numbers for reference-style link definitions
Or leave it empty and use the{' '}
<a href="https://www.example.com">link text itself</a>.
<p>Some text to show that the reference links can follow later.</p>
<p className="alert alert-warning" role="alert">
<strong>To Do</strong>: Add example of links inline in a paragraph of
Lists Unordered
An extremely basic example of an unordered list looks something like
<li>One list item, could be short</li>
<li>A second list item, also not long</li>
Third list item, with a bit more detail that might make it wrap to
two lines
List item number four, with a considerable amount of text that
should probably wrap to a newline, as this line is too long not to
<li>A fifth list item, short again</li>
An more complex example of an unordered list looks something like
Multi-paragraph list item. Certain Vault backends utilize plugins
to extend their functionality outside of what is available in the
core Vault code. Often times these backends will provide both
builtin plugins and a mechanism for executing external plugins.
This is another paragraph of text, nested within the first list
item. External plugins, on the other hand, are not shipped with
the Vault binary and must be registered to Vault by a privileged
Vault user. This section of the documentation will describe the
architecture and security of external plugins.
A second list item, also with multiple paragraphs and nested
content. Code blocks can be nested within list items.
$ vault write code/block/example/myplugin-database-plugin sha_256=&lt;expected SHA256 Hex value of the plugin binary&gt; command="myplugin" Success! Data written to:
Third list item, again with multiple paragraphs and nested
content. We should probably build out detailed examples to ensure
all content works as expected when nested within list items, even
when nested multiple levels deep.
<li>Here are a few sub-items.</li>
<li>Another sub-item in a nested list</li>
A third nested list item it could also contain nested content,
such as a short code snippet:
<code>A short code snippet</code>
<p>A fourth nested list item</p>
The first item in a list nested three levels deep
<li>We have a few different bullet styles</li>
These nested lists show the extent of them
Further nesting, if you really want to use it,
doesn't have different bullets
An example bullet in an unreasonably deep level
of nesting
<li>Item back up at the fourth level</li>
<p>Another third-level nested list item</p>
<p className="alert alert-info" role="alert">
<strong>Note</strong>: This list item has a nested note,
<p>Last nested item I promise</p>
List item number four, with a considerable amount of text that
should probably wrap to a newline, as this line is too long not to
wrap. List items should accommodate have any kind of content
nested within them, an image is shown nested in this one.
alt="Placeholder image"
A fifth list item, again with paragraph text. Certain Vault
backends utilize plugins to extend their functionality outside of
what is available in the core Vault code. Often times these
backends will provide both builtin plugins and a mechanism for
executing external plugins.
Lists Ordered
An extremely basic example of an ordered list looks something like
<li>One list item, could be short</li>
<li>A second list item, also not long</li>
Third list item, with a bit more detail that might make it wrap to
two lines
List item number four, with a considerable amount of text that
should probably wrap to a newline, as this line is too long not to
<li>A fifth list item, short again</li>
Ordered lists should have a maximum of 99 items. The 100th item's
bullet will overflow the space designated for the list bullet.
A more complex example of an ordered list looks something like this:
Multi-paragraph list item. Certain Vault backends utilize plugins
to extend their functionality outside of what is available in the
core Vault code. Often times these backends will provide both
builtin plugins and a mechanism for executing external plugins.
This is another paragraph of text, nested within the first list
item. External plugins, on the other hand, are not shipped with
the Vault binary and must be registered to Vault by a privileged
Vault user. This section of the documentation will describe the
architecture and security of external plugins.
A second list item, also with multiple paragraphs and nested
content. Code blocks can be nested within list items.
$ vault write code/block/example/myplugin-database-plugin sha_256=&lt;expected SHA256 Hex value of the plugin binary&gt; command="myplugin" Success! Data written to:
Third list item, again with multiple paragraphs and nested
content. We should probably build out detailed examples to ensure
all content works as expected when nested within list items, even
when nested multiple levels deep.
<li>Here are a few sub-items.</li>
<li>Another sub-item in a nested list</li>
A third nested list item it could also contain nested content,
such as a short code snippet:
<code>A short code snippet</code>
<p>A fourth nested list item</p>
The first item in a list nested three levels deep
<li>We have a few different bullet styles</li>
These nested lists show the extent of them
Further nesting, if you really want to use it,
doesn't have different bullets
An example bullet in an unreasonably deep level
of nesting
<li>Item back up at the fourth level</li>
<p>Another third-level nested list item</p>
<p className="alert alert-info" role="alert">
<strong>Note</strong>: This list item has a nested note,
<p>Last nested item I promise</p>
List item number four, with a considerable amount of text that
should probably wrap to a newline, as this line is too long not to
wrap. List items should accommodate have any kind of content
nested within them, an image is shown nested in this one.
alt="Placeholder image"
A fifth list item, again with paragraph text. Certain Vault
backends utilize plugins to extend their functionality outside of
what is available in the core Vault code. Often times these
backends will provide both builtin plugins and a mechanism for
executing external plugins.
<a name="code-blocks" className="__permalink-h" href="#code-blocks">
Code Blocks
Inline Code
External plugins, on the other hand, are not shipped with the{' '}
<code>vault</code> binary and must be registered to Vault by a
privileged Vault user with <code>vault write</code>. This section of
the documentation will describe the architecture and security of
external plugins.
Code Snippets
External plugins, on the other hand, are not shipped with the Vault
binary and must be registered to Vault by a privileged Vault user.
This section of the documentation will describe the architecture and
security of external plugins.
$ vault write code/block/example/myplugin-database-plugin sha_256=&lt;expected SHA256 Hex value of the plugin binary&gt; command="myplugin" Success! Data written to:
Syntax Highlighting
It would be amazing to be able to show syntax highlighting for
supported languages in this section as well.
<div className="highlight">
<pre className="highlight javascript">
<span className="p">{'{'}</span>
<span className="s2">"sub"</span>
<span className="p">:</span>{' '}
<span className="s2">"$SERVICE_ACCOUNT"</span>
<span className="p">,</span>
<span className="s2">"aud"</span>
<span className="p">:</span>{' '}
<span className="s2">"vault/$ROLE"</span>
<span className="p">,</span>
<span className="s2">"exp"</span>
<span className="p">:</span>{' '}
<span className="s2">"$EXPIRATION"</span>{' '}
<span className="c1">// optional</span>
<span className="p">}</span>
<p className="alert alert-warning" role="alert">
<strong>To Do</strong>: Add examples of syntax highlighted examples
here for supported languages. Though that may be out of scope for the
functionality of this <code>.g-content</code> component?
<code className="undefinedjavascript">
var s = 'JavaScript syntax highlighting' alert(s)
<code className="undefinedpython">
s = "Python syntax highlighting" print s
No language indicated, so no syntax highlighting. But let's throw in
a &lt;b&gt;tag&lt;/b&gt;.
<a name="alert-boxes" className="__permalink-h" href="#alert-boxes">
Alert Boxes
External plugins, on the other hand, are not shipped with the Vault
binary and must be registered to Vault by a privileged Vault user.
This section of the documentation will describe the architecture and
security of external plugins.
<p className="alert alert-danger" role="alert">
<strong>Note</strong>: Reading the original connection's TLS
connection state is not supported in plugins. Please consider reading
this example <code>danger</code> note.
<p className="alert alert-warning" role="alert">
<strong>Note</strong>: Reading the original connection's TLS
connection state is not supported in some rare edge cases. Please
consider reading this example <code>warning</code> note.
<p className="alert alert-info" role="alert">
<strong>Note</strong>: Reading the original connection's TLS
connection state is also supported in plugins. Please consider reading
this example <code>info</code> note.
<p className="alert alert-success" role="alert">
<strong>Note</strong>: Reading the original connection's TLS
connection state is now supported in plugins. Please consider reading
this example <code>success</code> note.
Alert boxes may contain specific nested content - for example, images
and diagrams can be inserted into notes.
<p className="alert alert-success" role="alert">
<strong>Note</strong>: Here's an example of an image nested within a
Note. This might not look half bad with diagrams, as long as they have
a transparent background to avoid an unsightly white box.{' '}
alt="Placeholder image"
/>{' '}
Please consider reading this example <code>success</code> note.
<a name="tables" className="__permalink-h" href="#tables">
<p>Colons can be used to align columns.</p>
<th align="center">Are</th>
<th align="right">Cool</th>
<td>col 3 is</td>
<td align="center">right-aligned</td>
<td align="right">$1600</td>
<td>col 2 is</td>
<td align="center">centered</td>
<td align="right">$12</td>
<td>zebra stripes</td>
<td align="center">are neat</td>
<td align="right">$1</td>
There must be at least 3 dashes separating each header cell. The outer
pipes (|) are optional, and you don't need to make the raw Markdown
line up prettily. You can also use inline Markdown.
<p className="alert alert-warning" role="alert">
<strong>To Do</strong>: Add more realistic example. Grab a simple
table and a more complex table from some existing Docs or Guides
<p className="alert alert-warning" role="alert">
<strong>To Do</strong>: Build out table styles to more closely match
updated design system. First, create mockups for table styles in
Components - Atoms file in Figma, then translate to styles. Probably
better to update table styles in{' '}
<code>global-styles/_tables.css</code> and not in this component.
<a name="blockquotes" className="__permalink-h" href="#blockquotes">
Blockquotes are very handy in email to emulate reply text. This line
is part of the same quote.
This is a very long line that will still be quoted properly when it
wraps. Oh boy let's keep writing to make sure this is long enough to
actually wrap for everyone. Oh, you can put{' '}
<strong>Markdown</strong> into a blockquote, of course{' '}
<em>emphasized text</em> doesn't stand out in the same way.
<p>This is a quoted code block sample.</p>
<code> This is a code block</code>
<p>This is a quoted image sample.</p>
alt="Placeholder image"
<p>These are quoted lists, first an unordered example...</p>
First item
<li>Nested item one</li>
<li>Nested item two</li>
<li>Nested item three</li>
<li>Second item</li>
<li>Third item</li>
<p>Then an ordered example:</p>
First item
<li>Nested item one</li>
<li>Nested item two</li>
<li>Nested item three</li>
<li>Second item</li>
<li>Third item</li>
<p className="alert alert-warning" role="alert">
<strong>To Do</strong>: Add more examples of block quote with nested
content. Could potentially include any valid markdown, although we'll
probably want to recommend against that kind of nesting, so probably
not a huge priority.
Horizontal Rules
External plugins, on the other hand, are not shipped with the Vault
binary and must be registered to Vault by a privileged Vault user.
This section of the documentation will describe the architecture and
security of external plugins.
<hr />
Certain Vault backends utilize plugins to extend their functionality
outside of what is available in the core Vault code. Often times these
backends will provide both builtin plugins and a mechanism for
executing external plugins.
<hr />
$ vault write code/block/example/myplugin-database-plugin sha_256=&lt;expected SHA256 Hex value of the plugin binary&gt; command="myplugin" Success! Data written to: